• Caste Dominance in rural credit markets: Evidence from India. Co-author(s): Dr. Mykel R. Taylor* & Dr Valentina Hartarska. Download Draft Here
  • How do rainfall shocks influence agricultural wages in India? Co-Authors: Dr Sunjae Won, Dr Mykel R. Taylor*. Download Draft Here
  • How does temporary shocks to income influence migration among rural households? Revisiting the role of jati networks. Dr Mykel R. Taylor*.
  • Conservation behavior of non-operating landowners in the United States (A qualitative analysis of Focus Group Discussions). Co-author(s): Dr. Mykel R. Taylor* (Auburn University), Dr. Raymond Massey, Dr. Michele Segovia and Julio Penados (University of Missouri). 
  • Oligopsony Market Power in Ghana Cocoa Sourcing. Co-author(s): Festus Attah (Auburn University), Dr Mykel R. Taylor* (Auburn University)

* PhD Advisor